Spending the bare minimum right now might provide you with enough to get by, but it may make more sense to purchase something that will be able to scale with your needs as you learn more.Ĭompatibility is a huge factor in deciding on musical software. how much it will cost to upgrade and update over the lifespan of the product.Īdditionally, you need to think about your growth as a producer. Just like musicians will need to think about the lifespan of a particular instrument before buying, studio professionals also need to consider how much a DAW will cost now vs. Well, maybe it is the best for that particular producer or artist, but will it be the best for you? Can you get the features you need from a less expensive DAW? If so, go with that instead.īudgeting for any type of musical purchase also needs to factor in upgrades and future investment. One of the things that I run into a lot when people ask my advice about which DAW to choose, is the notion that because a certain producer or artist uses XYZ, then it must be the best. Even though today’s options are more affordable than ever, you still need to consider your budget when deciding on which DAW is right for you. Although money isn’t everything, it can be a huge factor in deciding on music software.